Corrie and Sumir – Brunswick House

Brunswick House is one of my all time favourite London wedding venues for Humanist ceremonies. This Georgian mansion is, in my humble opinion, the perfect marriage of crumbling grandeur with eclectic eccentricity. Every room is sumptuous, rich with colour and character, brimming with antiques – from chandeliers to cabinets full of door knobs. It’s an absolute feast for the eyes. But, that’s not why I love it. Brunswick House has a magic about it – a special something you can’t buy or painstakingly style…atmosphere. Honestly, I’ve never done a wedding there that hasn’t felt absolutely buzzing, positively fizzing with anticipation, love and excitement. It’s like the rooms themselves have an energy which we can’t help but soak up.

Corrie and Sumir’s wedding was no exception. 80 of their very best humans crammed into the ground floor ‘Library’ and stood shoulder to shoulder, jostling for space and the perfect view. It was February and cold but you wouldn’t have known it in there.

All along, they wanted family to be front and centre of their celebrations. Their little daughter Maia worked the crowd like an absolute pro. Sumir’s father joined us via video call from India.

But it was their story which was most special. Corrie and Sumir hadn’t expected to find one another when they did. They weren’t looking for love and the path which led them to one another was far from linear. At first, they’d worried about how I would find the right words to explain their feelings – the complexities and intricacies of their connection. I have to admit, I agonised over the first draft of their ceremony and felt unusually nervous when I sent it to them. Here’s the reply I received:

“Wow Laura, I was blown away by this! You’ve managed to capture us perfectly and the way you have portrayed our life story is so moving. I cried at several points! But also laughed a lot. I keep on re-reading it as I’m so moved by it! Thank you for writing such a beautiful ceremony. It’s going to be an amazing day!”

After the ceremony, so many people came over to chat to me and said how special it had felt – how it had been unlike any other wedding they’d been to. One guest told me off for not giving a warning at the start about how many tissues they’d need! I’ve been tempted to put that one on a t-shirt!

Photos by the wonderful

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Ready to chat about your ceremony? Get in touch – I’d love to find out more about your plans for the day.  

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