Why are you the perfect match? Give your guests a say!

There are loads of brilliant ways to involve your friends and family in your Humanist ceremony but this one is strictly for the brave!

Sarah and Phill are in the racing business so they’re basically professional risk takers. Needless to say, when I suggested adding a part in their ceremony that would be a bit of a gamble, they were fully on board! Having literally cheated death to be together (Phill made a rather epic recovery from supposedly ‘terminal’ cancer), their wedding was a weepy one for sure. But to balance that out we needed some laughs, hence – the wild card – we threw it open to their friends and family to contribute!

Before they took their seats, everyone filled in cards saying why they thought Sarah and Phill were a perfect match. Then, midway through the ceremony, we shared them!

Here’s how it worked:

STEP 1: Collect the crate full of guests’ [hopefully] insightful and hilarious answers and ask the couple to choose 8 cards at random:

Step 2: Brace for impact!

Step 3: Cue nervous smiles as the first reviews are in!

STEP 4: Momentary pause as you skip past the ones not fit for parents and grandparents to hear…

Step 5: Warm, fuzzy feelings as you hear how others see your relationship:

Step 6: Relief/joy/love – you survived!


Photography: https://danisalmon.com/ – Gorgeous human, excellent with a camera!

Venue: https://www.hilltopfarmshop.com – Gorgeous farm shop just outside Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.


Say hello!

Ready to chat about your ceremony? Get in touch – I’d love to find out more about your plans for the day.  

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